3 June 2019 – CABI’s publishing business has been busy strengthening partnerships in China by showcasing the benefits of its range of print and online products and services to Chinese clients and partners, and exploring opportunities of further collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) in Beijing.

Dr Andy Robinson, CABI’s Managing Director, Publishing, led a delegation from CABI who outlined the organisation’s new publishing strategies and development plans – including the forthcoming launch of the new CABI Agricultural and Bioscience open access journal – to members of the Agricultural Information Institute (AII) and Institute of Plant Protection (IPP) of CAAS as well as library staff from the China Agricultural University and China Farmer University.

The discussions with colleagues from CAAS’s headquarters and attendance at the China’s National Conference on Innovative Services of Agricultural Information Resources, helped the CABI delegation to better understand the information needs of Chinese agricultural research, education and extension services.

Dr Robinson, who gave a seminar entitled “Plant Protection: research, learning and practice” to a group of plant protection researchers and students at IPP in Beijing, said, “CABI’s knowledge business is vital to the organisation’s financial stability and contributes to our mission of helping to improve people’s lives worldwide. We do this by providing the very latest information across both print and online platforms while applying scientific expertise in the field to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.

“We recognise that our core publishing business needs to respond to the knowledge needs of our stakeholders and customers effectively while adopting innovation and high efficiency in our operations. In this way we are better placed to respond and contribute to global food security and sustainable development.

“China is probably the largest public funder of research and development in agriculture in the world. So, it is obviously important that we understand the needs and priorities of our partners, and collaborate to help China grow more nutritious food with less environmental impact.”

See the full story on the CABI Blog

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