CABI’s ability to improve lives worldwide is made possible by the universities, national research and extension institutions, development agencies, the private sector, national and local governments, charities and foundations, farmers and non-governmental organizations we work with.

We are a not-for-profit organization. Only around 6% of our revenue comes from core funding and our scientific research is delivered through income derived from our project sponsors and our publishing activities.
We are demand-driven and ensure that our project work delivers against our wide range of donors’ needs and objectives.
We work in partnership with many global organizations to achieve our mutual objectives and broaden our impact - building partner capacity is an integral part of our activities.
Every CABI project is undertaken in partnership with other relevant local, national and regional partners to ensure that solutions are robust, well communicated and sustainable.

About our partners
CABI’s Member Country governments influence CABI’s mission and direction, and guide the activities undertaken. This unique, unbiased, inter-governmental structure allows us to bring together the views and interests of member government and recipient countries in a way that other science-based development organizations cannot.
Farmers and extension workers
We improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through our work, helping them to grow more, lose less and improve their ability to sell produce at better prices. We equip extension workers with the knowledge and capability to give best practice advice to farmers and technicians throughout the food supply chain.
Academic, international development and corporate research teams access the information they need to undertake their work via our specialist databases, compendia, books and published papers.
Our scientific publishing programme offers librarians a wealth of print and online publishing products, including books, eBooks, online databases, abstract journals and compendia. All our publications help support scholars, academics and patrons with their continuing research and knowledge development.
Distributors and vendors
We work closely with a network of distributors and vendors to disseminate our information products internationally.
We provide practitioners with resources and up-to-date information to support their professional development across veterinary, health, agricultural and environmental fields.
Our authors are drawn from some of the world’s leading scientists and sector specialists. This gives CABI an international appeal and enables us to produce the high-quality scientific publishing products required by our researcher, practitioner and academic clientele.
We also publish titles on behalf of, or in association with, a number of learned societies, research institutes, commercial companies and donor organizations.