As an academic publisher in the life sciences, CABI helps people discover validated, evidence-based information to help them overcome the world’s biggest challenges
With more than 100 years of scientific research and application underpinning our work, CABI supports study, practice and professional development through our array of publishing products, research services and support tools.
Our end-users are many and varied. Whether you're a researcher in need of cutting-edge resources, a practitioner interested in training and professional development, or a farmer in need of practical advice, we can provide the know-how and turn cutting-edge evidence-based information into actionable advice for making critical decisions.
Search the full array of publishing products, research services and support tools on our content platform, CABI Digital Library.
Quick links: Databases | Collections | Compendium | Books | Journals | Cases

The CABI Digital Library is our content platform, showcasing all of CABI's content in one convenient location, on a modern interface. It offers an enhanced user experience with the ability to quickly and easily search across all subscribed content in one place.
CABI Databases, including CAB Abstracts and Global Health, bring together millions of research records across agriculture, the environment, human health and the applied sciences to support study, research and practical application around the world. Our comprehensive databases include CAB Abstracts, Global Health, GARA, Thesaurus and search Rxiv.
Subject Collections
CABI Collections bring together a wealth of bibliographic information, research articles and full text records to provide a focused approach to study and practice across a number of subject areas. An extensive resource covering subject areas such as Animal Science, Environmental Impact, Forest Science, Leisure Tourism, Nutrition and Food Science, and VetMed Resource. The One Health Knowledge Bank brings together knowledge and debates around the topic of One Health.
CABI Compendium
CABI Compendium brings together data and research across species, pests, and diseases into one comprehensive resource. CABI Compendium includes images, maps, and diagnostics and decision support tools such as the Horizon Scanning Tool, Pest Risk Analysis Tool, and the Invasive Species Discovery Tool.
Our book publishing programme covers the life sciences and sustainable development, and CABI books provide key resources for study, practice and professional development. Subject areas include Agriculture and Crop Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Human Sciences, Plant Sciences, Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure and Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
CABI publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed articles in the life sciences in its open access journals and one hybrid journal. It also publishes agriRxiv, a free, open access source of unpublished preprints across the agricultural sciences.
CABI Cases present examples of real-life experiences and expertise that provide support for study, research and practice. They are written by leading international practitioners and academics and peer-reviewed to ensure quality.
Investing in our mission
CABI's publishing and knowledge management supports our mission to solve problems in agriculture and the environment by reinvesting our surpluses into our development activities. These activities help improve lives by reducing hunger and poverty and helping farmers to grow more nutritious food, more efficiently with less environmental impact.