The policies that guide our working practices
Code of business conduct
This code of business conduct sets out fundamental standards for members of the Governing Board (‘the Board’) and for all employees of CABI to help ensure compliance with legal requirements and our standards of business conduct. Lawful and ethical behaviour is required at all times.
Procurement procedures
These procurement procedures summarize CABI’s policy on the procurement of supplies and services. Where there are questions on the content or the practical application of this policy, these should be addressed either to the CFO or the Financial Controller. Major requests for proposal (RFP) are published here.
CABI requires all staff at all times to act honestly and with integrity and to safeguard CABI‟s assets.
Fraud is an ever-present threat to these assets and hence must be a concern to all members of staff as well as to management. Fraud may occur internally or externally and may be perpetrated by staff, consultants, suppliers, contractors or development partners, individually or in collusion with others.
The purpose of this document is to set out the responsibilities with regard to fraud prevention, what to do if you suspect fraud and the action that will be taken by management.
Safeguarding policy
Safeguarding is the responsibility of organizations to make sure their staff, operations, and programmes do no harm to children and adults at-risk nor expose them to abuse or exploitation.
The purpose of this policy is to protect people, particularly children, at risk adults and beneficiaries of assistance, from any harm that may be caused due to their coming into contact with CABI.
Risk management policy
CABI’s general approach to risk is to instil a culture of risk awareness throughout the organization such that every employee considers risk as part of their everyday activities.
This risk management strategy forms part of CABI’s corporate governance arrangements. This document comprises a policy statement, specification of roles and responsibilities, and an outline of CABI’s risk management processes. It is also supported by existing related CABI-wide policies. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the risk management processes adopted by CABI are understood by all members of staff and are clear and transparent to all our stakeholders.
CABI’s project and programme gender strategy
The project and programme gender strategy focuses specifically on CABI’s development projects and research, and provides guidelines on mainstreaming gender considerations throughout the project cycle. It has been prepared following a review of the gender policies, strategies, and resources of CABI’s key donors, and reflects current international best practice in gender mainstreaming. Plantwise has a separate programme-level gender strategy which gives more detailed guidance specific to the programme.
CABI Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Policy
CABI aims to embed equality, diversity and inclusion in its practice and culture and will not tolerate
discrimination, victimisation, or harassment.
This policy applies to members of the Board, to CABI employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual
workers, and agency workers worldwide when acting on behalf of CABI.
CABI policy and guidelines for proper scientific conduct in research
The policy and guidelines for proper scientific conduct in research promotes high ethical standards including rigour, honesty, integrity and respect for life, the law and the public good. It also instructs all members of CABI, whether students, staff or administrators, to recognize the responsibilities that they share for developing and maintaining a culture in which sound research practices are adopted and inappropriate ones detected.
CABI’s Modern Slavery statement
This Modern Slavery statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by CAB International to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and in our relationship with collaborators and suppliers.
Intellectual property rights
Policy regarding intellectual property rights generated by CABI’s own activities, and externally funded activities.
Money laundering policy
The legislative requirements concerning anti-money laundering procedures are lengthy and complex. The money laundering policy has been written so as to enable CABI to meet the legal requirements in a way which is proportionate to the low risk to CABI of contravening the legislation.
Due to the nature of our products and services, it is unlikely that attempts would be made to launder funds through CABI, but staff should be alert to the possibility.
The purpose of this policy is to make staff aware of current legislation, their responsibilities and the consequences of non-compliance with this policy.
Whilst the risk to CABI of contravening the legislation is low, it is extremely important that all employees are familiar with their legal responsibilities: serious criminal sanctions may be imposed for breaches of the legislation.
This policy sets out how any concerns should be raised.
The bribery act applies to all CABI staff worldwide and to any associated persons providing services to CABI eg. agents, collaborators and contractors.
The purpose is to ensure all CABI employees and associated persons are aware of the requirements of the UK bribery act 2010 and in accordance with CABI’s bribery policy. All acts of bribery are strictly prohibited and breaches of the policy are considered a disciplinary matter for staff and a breach of contract for associated persons. Acts of bribery may result in criminal conviction under the bribery act.
Bribery is one aspect of fraud and as such this policy should be seen in the context of the policies, procedures and standards of behaviour defined in the CABI anti-fraud policy.
Whistleblowing policy
The aim of the whistleblowing policy is to enable staff to raise concerns about suspected malpractice at an early stage and in the right way. Examples of such malpractice would be fraud, falsification of records or results, harassment or bullying of employees, collusion, price fixing or any other illegal activity. This policy is designed to allow employees to raise such concerns freely without fear of discrimination or recrimination. We would rather that the matter is raised when it is just a concern rather than wait for proof. The procedure is not intended to deal with personal issues: these can be addressed under CABI’s grievance procedures. This ‘whistleblowing’ procedure is primarily for concerns where the interests of others or of CABI itself are at risk.
Environmental policy
We are committed to making continuous improvements in the management of our environmental impact as part of our goal of developing a sustainable organisation. We will work to promote environmental care and awareness with an emphasis on the need to reduce energy consumption, and to manage our carbon footprint.
Read CABI’s UK annual carbon report
Read CABI Publishing Environmental Statement
Access and Benefit Sharing
CABI has stepped up measures to ensure its research with genetic resources from around the world can be shared with others to improve yields in global agriculture while at the same time supporting the conservation of biodiversity.
CABI, in complying with the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) has created a team of CABI ABS ‘Champions’ in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America to liaise with host countries so CABI can carry out its work in compliance with local needs.
Read CABI’s policy on Access and Benefit Sharing
TAP Common Framework
The Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) is a coalition that was initiated by the G20. Its main focus is to facilitate capacity development for agricultural innovation in tropical countries. CABI has been actively involved in developing the Common Framework to which we and other development organisations will adhere.
Plantwise programme policy
As part of the CABI-led Plantwise programme we have developed Plantwise policies that cover the international transfer of biological specimens for identification, pest reports, use of plant clinic data, personal data protection, the use of pesticides, engaging agro-input suppliers and fundraising
Knowledge management
To fulfil its mission CABI must be a truly knowledge-based organization. We will ensure that the knowledge we generate and the information and data we collate and communicate is shared with as wide an audience as possible through open content, open processes and open infrastructure. Our vision for 2020 states that ‘we will be providing supporting data and scientifically validated information for most of the world’s major strategic initiatives in agricultural and environmental development’, and these policies support that vision.
CABI’s knowledge management policies
Designated fund
The designated fund is funding by CABI for projects.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) relating to crops
Food security is a fundamental global concern for an increasing human population and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. Many countries are already unable to provide adequate quantity and quality of nutrition for their populations and these problems are likely to be exacerbated by climate change.
GM crops have now been shown to deliver increased yields and/or reductions in pesticide without adverse effects on human health. Therefore, wider use of these technologies may provide an effective, indeed essential, way of improving food security, particularly in developing countries where the use of agrochemicals is often prohibitively expensive. However, public debate and policy on GM technologies, although encompassing both scientific and moral issues, has largely centered on concerns that the technologies are either inappropriate or inadequately tested.
CABI’s role in assessing benefits and risks of GM technologies
Communication on Engagement – United Nations Global Compact
CAB International (CABI) reaffirms its support to the United Nations Global Compact. As part of this commitment CABI’s work has been guided by the ten principles of the Compact that speak to issues of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
We have produced a Communication of Engagement to demonstrate and communicate that commitment.