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Juno Evidence Alliance: Transforming Evidence for Agriculture, Food and Climate

The Juno Evidence Alliance is a global platform working to ensure better evidence drives better decisions across agriculture and food systems. It provides high-quality evidence to help decision-makers address key challenges and create a more nutritious, food-secure, and climate-resilient future.

Project Overview

So, what’s the problem

Governments and funders recognize that sound science and pragmatic evidence are key to supporting a resilient and sustainable food system. There is a great need for evidence-based policy, rather than policy-based evidence, based on the rigour of the scientific method and peer review.

Decision-makers need timely evidence synthesis reports prepared by experts who integrate multiple information sources, incorporate accumulated experience, and weigh uncertainty to provide evidence-based interventions while avoiding the risk of confirmation bias or cherry-picking.

Without an evidence alliance, we will continue to spend billions of dollars supporting research and development, often duplicating work that has already been done, without demonstrating the importance of science underpinning policy.

What is this project doing?

Juno’s network of researchers, policymakers, publishers, and data scientists work together to improve how evidence is produced and used. It uses artificial intelligence and rigorous research methods to synthesize knowledge on agrifood systems, delivering timely and targeted insights for governments, organizations, and individuals worldwide.


Evidence synthesis is a research method that combines information from multiple sources to create a holistic view of current knowledge on a topic. It identifies relevant evidence and synthesizes the data to create ‘systematic reviews’ on a topic.

Juno has produced systematic reviews covering a range of agrifood topics related to One Health, nature-based solutions, gender, and crop breeding. Its landmark State of the Field report has introduced a new approach to evaluate scientific publications within agrifood systems.

For more information, visit the Juno website.

Project Manager

Jaron Porciello

Global Director, Evidence and Policy; Director, Juno Evidence Alliance

Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, OX10 8DE, UK