As an academic publisher in the life sciences, CABI helps people discover validated, evidence-based information to help them overcome the world’s biggest challenges
The challenge
The world faces many threats such as climate change, hunger and poverty. To help solve them, researchers must be given the support and tools they need to identify and select the best data and evidence within an ever-growing flow of scientific information.
Furthermore, education in agriculture and the environment is often not available to those who need it most, and the ways in which they are taught are often not appropriate for the context of their lives.

Providing solutions
As an academic publisher in the life sciences, we play a part in helping to solve global challenges by combining our work in academic publishing with our work in international development, investing surpluses from our publishing business back into our development projects.
Our publications in applied life science - including world-leading databases, books, eBooks, compendia and internet resources - help scientists discover credible and authoritative outputs from around the globe. Our tools add insights to data and help people apply science to real-world problems.
Our expertise and skills in publishing help put knowledge into context and put it into the hands of those who need it most. Our learning resources build the capacity of farmers, practitioners and scientists to improve agricultural practices.
Key contact
For more information and enquiries about our expertise in publishing, please get in touch.

Andy Robinson
Managing Director, Publishing
T: +44(0)1491 829302 E:
Our expertise in more detail
Stories of Impact
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Related Projects
Explore our recent projects from around the world

Juno: Transforming Evidence for Agriculture, Food and Climate
To respond urgently in times of crises we need to be ready. Researchers need the know-how and tools to develop rapid evidence synthesis at short notice, and coordinated networks need to be able to translate, communicate, and share evidence at a moment’s notice so that policymakers can use that evidence. The Juno Evidence Alliance will be a cutting-edge global platform that empowers evidence-based policy in agriculture, food systems, and climate adaptation. By utilising artificial intelligence and proven research methodologies, the aim is to streamline the synthesis of diverse data sources, providing timely, relevant, and high-quality conclusions for governments, funders, and policymakers. With Juno, decision-makers can accelerate progress, reduce costs, coordinate messages, and shape a sustainable and resilient future for the benefit of all.

Joint crop and livestock services for smallholder farmers
Crop and livestock health is crucial to agricultural productivity and farmer livelihoods. However, in low-income countries, smallholders are often left without sufficient support to deal with crop and animal problems due to existing agricultural extension services being understaffed and underfunded. CABI’s work in plant health and plant clinics over the last 15 years has revealed potential ‘One Health’ (OH) benefits of broadening the scope of plant clinics to better meet farmers’ need for advice. This project will develop integrated crop-livestock health advisory services that will enable male and female smallholder farmers in Uganda to address major health and production problems affecting crops, livestock, and food safety.

Invasive plant pathogens threatening the USA
Invasive plant pathogens represent a threat to US agriculture, forestry and the environment. Accurate information on these pathogens is required to help prevent their introduction and spread. The Plant Pathogens Subcommittee of the US Federal Interagency Committee on Invasive Terrestrial Animals and Pathogens (ITAP) has identified the worst plant pathogen threats to the USA. CABI is commissioning the compilation of data on these plant pathogens to be published as full datasheets in the Invasive Species Compendium [] (an open access global resource currently containing over 10,000 datasheets).