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CABI publishes first guide to the naturalized and invasive plants of the Caribbean
April 15, 2024
CABI has published the first ‘Guide to the Naturalized and Invasive Plants of the Caribbean’ which includes aquatics, climbers, grasses, herbs, shrubs, succulents, and trees that threaten biodiversity, livelihoods and economic development. The 384-page guide, by Dr Arne Witt, CABI’s Invasives Coordinator, South, details 100 of the more than 880…
Juno: Transforming Evidence for Agriculture, Food and Climate
October 3, 2023
To respond urgently in times of crises we need to be ready. Researchers need the know-how and tools to develop rapid evidence synthesis at short notice, and coordinated networks need to be able to translate, communicate, and share evidence at a moment’s notice so that policymakers can use that evidence.…
CABI and EWS-KT join hands to improve information accessibility in agriculture
August 30, 2023
CABI and East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT) are pleased to announce a new collaboration to provide education and training opportunities for smallholder farmers, farmer trainers and extension workers, and other agriculture sector professionals. This partnership will enable widespread utilization of scientific knowledge for improving crop quality and yield and…
CABI Academy launches free course and certifications on bioprotection products
August 7, 2023
The CABI Academy is launching a free course giving practical guidance on choosing, using and interpreting the results of bioprotection products in the field. The course is aimed at extension workers and agro-input dealers, building skills in advising smallholder farmers about using nature-based solutions to manage crop pests and diseases…
Leading CABI science contributes to CABI Agriculture and Bioscience journal’s first impact factor
August 2, 2023
Two CABI-led papers published in CABI Agriculture and Bioscience have contributed to the journal’s first impact factor of 3.9 – placing it in the first quartile of the Agriculture Interdisciplinary category in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). It is also the first journal from CABI which has achieved an…
CABI strengthens research and publishing ties following visit of Chinese delegation
July 26, 2023
CABI has strengthened its research and publishing ties with the Agricultural Information Institute (AII) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science (CAAS) after a visit to its Wallingford and Egham, UK, offices by a delegation of officials. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Dr Andy Robinson, CABI’s Managing…
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