CABI participates in CCAFRICA 25 to help support food value chains and break non-tariff barriers to trade

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CABI has participated in the 25th session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA 25) to help support sustainable food value chains and break down non-tariff barriers to trade. All speakers at the opening ceremony acknowledged the regional and global challenges faced by countries in the CCAFRICA region and…
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Nepal scientists embrace the role of better evidence

Training group pose for a group picture.
Nepal scientists have been exploring how to produce better evidence in informing decisions on agriculture to improve livelihoods and food security. They attended a workshop on evidence synthesis convened by the Juno Evidence Alliance.
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New fungal species named in honour of Sir David Attenborough making zombies of cave spiders on the island of Ireland

Dr Harry Evans, Emeritus Fellow at CAB International, led scientists – including from the Natural History Museum of Denmark and Royal Botanical Gardens Kew – in a study to investigate the identity of a fungus found on a spider during filming of the BBC Winterwatch series in Northern Ireland. Based…
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CABI working in partnership towards greater nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

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CABI is working in partnership to develop more nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. These solutions will help increase the livelihoods of thousands of smallholder farmers and ensure enhanced food security. Currently, 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa depend on agriculture, which contributes an average of 25% of…
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Ambassadorial visit serves to help strengthen greater sustainable agriculture in Burundi

CABI assisted the Koppert Foundation to host a visit from the Ambassador of Burundi in The Hague, H.E. Madame Isabelle Ndahayo, and help strengthen greater sustainable agriculture, improve smallholder farmer livelihoods and food security. Dr Janny Vos, CABI’s Partnerships Development Director, helped Koppert organize the visit to their facilities to…
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CABI attends presidential round table to highlight help for Burundi’s smallholder farmers to increase food security

CABI attends presidential round table to highlight help for Burundi’s smallholder farmers to increase food security
CABI has taken part in a presidential round table event and highlighted its support for Burundi’s smallholder farmers to increase their livelihoods and food security. Dr Dennis Rangi, Director General, Development, and Dr Janny Vos, Partnerships Development Director, attended the event held in Bujumbura to share the Burundian Government’s vision…
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