Digital Development
Our Digital Development team works across the world to help harness the power of digital tools, data, information and ICTs to support international development.
Project Development
Our Project Development team works with our scientists to develop project proposals and respond to tenders from donors. Three members of the team are based at our Corporate Office in Wallingford, two are based at our UK Centre in Egham and the sixth team member is based in our South Asia centre in Pakistan.
Our Marketing team is dedicated to promoting the wealth of work undertaken by CABI. Through our website, press releases, newsletters, exhibitions and marketing campaigns, we are able to communicate effectively CABI’s latest news, events and achievements to our audiences.
Publishing Sales
Our services and products, resources and expertise are invaluable to modern industry, global agriculture and environmental programmes. Our Sales team works closely with our customers to ensure they have continued access to the most relevant and up-to-date scientific information available.
Contact publishing sales: sales@cabi.org
Our IT specialists create innovative technology-based products, designed to enable scientific knowledge to be available in accessible and usable formats.
Our Finance team is responsible for strategic financial management and liaises with global Finance Managers to facilitate corporate accounting and reporting.
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Related projects
Global Burden of Crop Loss
Efforts to reach Sustainable Development Goals in food security, nutrition and livelihoods are being hindered by crop loss. Up 40% of crop yields are lost to pests and disease but the data available to prove and show trends is limited. The Global Burden of Crop Loss project will collect, validate, analyse and disseminate data on the extent and causes of crop loss with the aim of gathering sufficient and reliable data that can act as evidence to enable prioritisation of research and policy in plant health, to improve our ability to predict the impact of emerging diseases.
Start:01/04/19 -End:31/10/26