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One Health Hub

The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is supporting CABI to manage a knowledge, learning and evidence platform focused on One Health to facilitate learning and evidence synthesis. The One Health Hub will engage with stakeholders to identify research gaps and promote evidence-informed research and policy decision making in One Health. The Juno Evidence Alliance will lead the One Health Hub’s work to synthesize evidence on One Health issues and will be working with the secretariat and communication teams to share and debate evidence widely. The One Health Hub will work closely with the FAO One Health Knowledge Nexus and seek to engage with the One Health Quadripartite and One Health High Level Expert Panel.

Helen Coskeran

Jaron Porciello

PlantwisePlus pest risk tools help protect Ghana’s biosecurity

Generative AI for Agriculture Advisory

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology offers enormous potential by addressing information asymmetries and rapidly advancing research. In the agriculture sector, it can localize digital advisory messages and increase the accessibility of such messages to reduce the digital divide compared to traditional, non-AI communication methods. Using natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs) offers new potential to disseminate complex scientific information more widely, in local dialects and through various formats, transforming accessibility. This project will explore the potential to deliver advisories based on CABI’s highly curated and expert-validated resources to plant doctors and other agriculture advisors via Generative AI chatbot technology, and the data governance and licensing necessary to ensure the quality of such advisories.

Coffee berry borer modelling for Kenyan coffee production

The coffee berry borer is a major coffee pest worldwide, threatening farmers’ livelihoods and the production of coffee. In Kenya, the pest is a particular problem in low-altitude zones and can cause up to 80% losses. Erratic rainfall and other effects of climate change are making it hard to break the pest lifecycle. In this project, CABI is using its tried and tested PRISE model to compile a comprehensive risk assessment of the Kenyan coffee sector and create a model specific to the coffee berry borer in Kenya. With partners, the project aims to empower farmers and stakeholders within the coffee value chain with actionable advice derived from data and modelling.