4 May 2018 – CABI has helped train the agricultural scientists of tomorrow by holding a course for MSc students and young researchers keen on learning more about research methodologies in agriculture, including plant protection, at the Szent Istvan University of Gödöllo in Hungary.

Dr Stefan Toepfer, Research Scientist Arthropod Biological Control and Integrated Crop Management Advisor at CABI, helped enable 58 students ‘studying for an MSc in Plant Protection’ learn more about study design, planning, analysis and evaluation, as well as methods in conducting a literature review and in writing a thesis.

The six-day course, now in its ninth year of being run, also covered specific topics in agricultural research methods such as pest forecasting, threshold methods, and dose-efficacy response trials. Students developed and presented their own study design and had to pass a final exam as part of the course.

Dr Toepfer holds an adjunct professorship at the Szent Istvan University of Gödöllo in Hungary and works together with Dr Mark Szalai (Associate Professor) and other scientists at the Plant Protection Institute of the University of Gödöllo in training and supervising BSc, MSc and PhD students.

Additional information

If you are interested in the course, please contact Mark Szalai or Ágnes Szénási for further details.

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