National Farmers’ Day celebrations crowned with CABI-sponsored Regional Best Female Farmer Award

Best Female Farmer for Bono Region - 2022
A multi-crop and livestock farmer has won the CABI-sponsored Regional Best Female Farmer Award held as part of Ghana’s National Farmers’ Day celebrations. Ama Gyamfua, who is also a mother to five children and has previously won awards for her farming, landed the award which recognises excellence in her profession…
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CABI-led study suggests women’s role in coffee production should be promoted across whole value chain

Women and coffee in Ethiopia
A new CABI-led study published in the journal Sustainability suggests that the role of women in coffee production should be promoted across the whole value chain as well as improving their access to productive resources and services. The study found that while some of the technologies and practices promoted to…
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Value placed on resources and decisions in farming in Ethiopia differs across genders, study reveals

A new study published in the CABI Agriculture & Bioscience journal has revealed that major empowerment resources and decision-makings that are valuable to men and women vary across gender and farming systems in Ethiopia. Lead author Wole Kinati, from the University of New England, Australia, and fellow researchers found that,…
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Strengthening food security post COVID-19 pandemic and locust attack

Thirty-seven percent of Pakistan's population is already vulnerable to food insecurity. This figure will soon exacerbate given the effect of recent external challenges including the rapid spread of Covid-19 and its subsequent Government restrictions, and Pakistan’s largest locust infestation in 25 years devasting large areas of agricultural land, including cotton,…
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Capacity building of small-scale potato growers in Punjab, Pakistan

Potato is an important crop in Pakistan for both consumers and producers. It is nutritious, produces high returns and there is a potential to increase yields by using good potato cultivation practices. However, a lack of knowledge concerning these is inhibiting many smallholder farmers in their effort to raise productivity.…
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Important role of women highlighted in study focused on the benefits of good farmer seed production

Female farmers
A new study looking at the benefits of good farmer seed production suggests women need more support to participate in contract farming – to the same extent as their male counterparts – and have more equality along the whole food value chain. The CABI-led research – which sought to assess…
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