16 June 2016 – We are proud to bring you CABI in Review 2016. Every year, we publish an annual review to showcase our projects and the impact they have on the farmers, extension workers, scientists, policy makers and professional practitioners we work with on a daily basis.

By continuing to focus our efforts around key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) last year proved to be hugely successful, “in terms of the difference we have made to the lives of millions of smallholder farmers around the world,” said CABI CEO, Dr Trevor Nicholls.

Dr Nicholls added, “In the first half of 2016, through a participative process of consultations with staff and member countries, we created our next Medium Term Strategy. A core framework for our strategy was the close alignment of our plans and objectives to the SDGs.”

After another year of strong progress, our Plantwise programme has now reached 9.8 million farmers in 34 different countries. Our Better Cotton Initiative trained 55,000 farmers on pesticide and fertiliser use to help save the industry US$350m per year. We continue to address the most damaging invasive species globally, particularly in the identification and treatment of fall armyworm, an invasive caterpillar affecting 30-50% of maize crops and devastating livelihoods across Africa.

In our Publishing Business, despite a challenging environment, we expanded investment in new knowledge products and services by launching our Open Books programme to promote publishing of open access books in life sciences. Our Invasive Species Compendium (ISC) continues to grow in popularity with 1.9 million users since launching in 2012. In 2016, ISC datasheets bolstered regulatory action against high-risk freshwater invasive species in the USA.

We hope this review displays how our passion for positive change in agriculture and bioscience is bringing significant benefits to people around the world.

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