23 June 2016 – We are delighted to bring you CABI in Review 2015. Each year, we publish an annual review to tell the stories of our projects and the impact they have on the farmers, extension workers, scientists, policy makers and professional practitioners we work with.
This year we focused on showing how our work relates to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Agreed in 2015, the SDGs have a direct relevance to our work. CABI is committed to playing its part contributing to the SDGs delivery. In consultation with our member countries, we have made a concerted move towards alignment with these goals, says CABIs CEO, Dr Trevor Nicholls. “By listening to our members, looking at the SDGs and reviewing our core capabilities, CABI will be developing a strategy for the following three years, continuing to make a significant contribution to solving global problems.”
CABI in Review 2015 summarizes another year of good progress. Our award-winning food security programme, Plantwise, reached 4.5 million farmers by the end of 2015. With partnerships at the heart of our projects, we helped improve horticultural trade between Ghana and the European Union, reduce pesticide use in tea production in India and tackle soil pests to improve food security in Rwanda. We continued to address the effects of some of the most damaging invasive species in Africa and Asia; species that threaten the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
In our Publishing Business, despite a challenging climate, we continued to invest in new knowledge products and services using mobile communications technology to help get science-based agricultural information to smallholders. In 2015, we also celebrated CAB Direct reaching an 11 million record milestone.
This year, we have made available five chapters from CABI books in a CABI in Review 2015 eBook that you can download for free. The chapters are relevant to sections of the annual review.
We hope you enjoy reading this report and, through the stories we include, discover how we are turning our goals into positive, practical action for the benefit of millions of people around the world.
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