CABI and partners step up fight against devastating papaya mealybug on more farms in Kenya

CABI, working with key Kenyan partners, is helping to protect livelihoods and food security by fighting the devastating papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) pest in five more major papaya growing counties in Kenya. Scientists from CABI’s regional centre for Africa in Nairobi have recently deployed Acerophagus papayae – an environmentally friendly…
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Integrated management of fall armyworm in rice-based ecosystems

Rice is a food security crop in the Philippines. It is the second most important commodity after sugar cane. However, an invasion of the fall armyworm in Asia is damaging food crops, including rice, and threatening the food, nutrition and income security of millions of farming households. To sustainably manage…
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Natural Enemies Field Reservoirs play critical role in management of papaya mealybug, CABI study reveals

Natural Enemies Field Reservoirs – technology created by the late CABI scientist Riaz Mahmood – play a crucial role in the sustainable management of the papaya mealybug pest according to new CABI-led research in the journal Biological Control. The researchers found that the establishment of farmer-managed Natural Enemies Field Reservoirs…
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CABI’s expertise in plant health management highlighted at symposium to mark International Day of Plant Health

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CABI’s expertise in plant health management has been highlighted at a symposium at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels which was held to mark International Day of Plant Health. Dr MaryLucy Oronje, CABI’s scientist in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, spoke about examples of plant health networks and…
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Study explores biology, impact, management and potential distribution of destructive longhorn beetle

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A new study, published in the Journal of Pest Science, explores the biology, impact, management, and potential distribution of the invasive, red-necked longhorn beetle (Aromia bungii) which has recently invaded Japan, Germany, and Italy. The review is mainly based on Chinese literature and intended to reveal the rather concealed but…
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Team of global experts to develop beneficial nematode-based biocontrol solution to fall armyworm

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CABI has joined a team of international experts to develop beneficial nematode-based biocontrol solutions to fight the devastating fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Africa. Entomopathogenic nematodes are tiny insect-killing worms, also called beneficial nematodes, and have been used for nearly a century as safer-to-use and more environmentally friendly biocontrol agents…
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