CABI calls for greater investment in food security programmes to help stem global rise in hunger
CABI is today calling for greater investment in food security programmes to help stem the global rise in hunger following the publication of a UN report which says more than 820 million people worldwide are still going to bed hungry.
MARDI-CABI Joint Laboratory Kicks Off in Malaysia
The 1st Steering Committee meeting of the Joint Laboratory between the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) and CABI, has this week taken place at the MARDI headquarters in Malaysia.
Extension campaigns launched help fight Fall armyworm in Kenya and Uganda
Since 2017, CABI and partners have launched a series of extension campaigns in Kenya and Uganda in the fight against the invasive pest fall armyworm. These campaigns used integrated ICT-enabled approaches combining radio, SMS, and community video screenings with the aim of improving awareness, knowledge and management practices for fall…
Newly appointed FAO Director General, Dr Qu Dongyu, plays important role in building China-CABI partnership
Dr Qu Dongyu, Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), has been appointed Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
CABI joins international team of scientists calling for a Global Surveillance System to fight crop diseases
CABI has joined an international team of scientists calling for a Global Surveillance System (GSS) to fight a range of diseases which threaten priority crops including maize, potato, cassava, rice, beans and wheat.
Farmers in Malawi to benefit from space-age technology in fight against devastating crop pests
Farmers in Malawi are the latest to benefit from a CABI-led consortium, funded by the UK Space Agency, which is providing a Pest Risk Information Service (PRISE) to fight pest outbreaks that could devastate crops and livelihoods across the country.