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The crisis

As well as the pandemic being a global health crisis which demands an intense research focus, on April 21, the United Nations projected that because of COVID-19, the number of people facing severe food insecurity worldwide could double. Meanwhile many of the most vulnerable parts of the world are already struggling with other threats to food insecurity including invasive pests and weeds.

Providing solutions

CABI is a leading academic publisher in life sciences and human health. To support the worldwide efforts to fight the outbreak of COVID-19, CABI has made over 37,000 relevant records from across its online platforms, Global Health and CAB Abstracts, free to access for public health professionals, researchers, academics and policy makers who are vital to the response. This resource will remain available for as long as needed, and new records will continue to be added as they arrive.

CABI also uses on-the-ground expertise in development communications and agricultural extension to help smallholder farmers apply tried and tested agricultural practices that protect their crops and improve their yields. However, many of the tried and tested face-to-face engagement and training methods are currently not possible. Throughout the world, our teams of scientists have already responded by using a wide range of techniques to put this knowledge in the right hands including remote training of trainers through digital platforms, innovative videos and digital learning programmes.

For example, CABI's programme partners around the world are innovating with digital approaches such as the use of online platforms, radio, and mobile to continue to provide extension and advisory services to smallholder farmers. As a result there has been significantly more visits to the Plantwise Knowledge Bank and Invasive Species Compendium, where users have accessed resources like Factsheets for Farmers and Pest Management Decision Guides.

Related online products and resources

Global Health gives researchers and students unparalleled access to all the world's relevant public health research and practice - providing knowledge without borders.

Sci-Dev.Net podcasts featuring episodes on Coronavirus within the Health, Science and Development series.

Other emerging threats

Find out how we are responding to other challenges faced by those around the world