5 September 2013 – As part our recent efforts to improve collaboration on joint activities, CABI Plantwise is delighted to announce an agreement with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to initiate secondments between the two organisations, and thereby increase transparency and effectiveness. Katherine Cameron, Knowledge Bank Development Manager for Plantwise, has joined the IPPC secretariat at the FAO headquarters in Rome, in order to assist in the guidance and approval of a joint work plan.

Dr Ulrich Kuhlmann, CABI’s Regional Director, Europe-Switzerland and Plantwise Programme Executive, said, “Having a member of CABI team in Rome working closely with the IPPC will be an important step towards furthering our shared goals. It’s valuable not only for building technical knowledge within the IPPC framework, but also for exploring new avenues of collaboration between CABI, the IPPC Secretariat, and national plant protection organisations worldwide.”

More on the IPPC and CABI Plantwise partnership is available here.