5 November 2013 – CABI has just released details of two training courses to be run in May 2014 at CABIs Egham facility near London in plant pathology techniques and mycoinsecticide techniques. The latter is a brand new course, aimed at those working in agricultural and insect pest control sciences.
Plant Pathology Techniques (6-9 May 2014)
This course covers the basic principles of plant health disease diagnosis and the isolation and identification techniques of causal organisms. It is aimed at those working in agricultural and horticultural sciences. Some knowledge or experience of plant pathology and laboratory practice would be beneficial.
The programme
Duration 4 days
Best practice methods for collecting and recording of material
Recognition of disease symptoms on plant material to enable an accurate diagnosis
Isolation methods for plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria from plant material
Use of culture media, sub-culturing and methods of inducing fungal sporulation
Microscope examination methods for cultures and plant material
Extraction and identification of plant parasitic nematodes
Introduction to molecular identification methods for plant pathogens
Examples of pathogens of agricultural importance
Mycoinsecticide techniques (12-15 May 2014) – NEW
New for 2014, this course is aimed at those working in agricultural and insect pest control sciences, with some knowledge of mycoinsecticide use. The course covers the basic principles from isolation of suitable fungi, mass production, storage and formulation.
The programme
Duration 4 days
The importance of laboratory books
Collecting and isolation methods of entomopathogenic fungi
Basic identification of entomopathogenic fungi
Running a bioassay and how to quantify the results
Mass production of entomopathogenic fungi
Quality control and storage methods for entomopathogenic fungi
Formulation and shelf life
Use strategies and opportunities
Both courses are delivered by CABI experts and through lectures and practical demonstration. There will be an opportunity to practice methods. Course participants will be able to improve their skills and knowledge and discuss aspects of their work with tutors.