MARA-CABI Joint Laboratory gives investment-benefit ratio of 1:4
The MARA-CABI Joint Laboratory for Biosafety (Joint Lab) is a world-class research centre whose focus is research and technology transfer in eco-friendly plant protection technologies. The Joint Lab has worked on 32 international projects in which more than 80 organizations have participated. In 2021, a CABI study reviewed the achievements of the Joint Lab, revealing that it provides excellent value for money with an investment-benefit ratio of 1:4.
The story
The MARA-CABI Joint Laboratory for Biosafety (Joint Lab) is a world-class research centre that has worked on 32 international projects in which more than 80 organizations have participated. Launched in 2008, and with funding totalling over US$33m, this collaborative venture is based in Beijing and is part of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Plant Protection (IPPCAAS).
In 2021, a CABI study reviewed the achievements of the Joint Lab, revealing that it provides excellent value for money with an investment-benefit ratio of 1:4. The study surveyed stakeholders who have worked with the Joint Lab. The majority of respondents (65%) said cooperation was ‘extremely successful’ and concluded that the outcomes ‘reached or even exceeded their expectations.’
The benefits to CABI and China reveal a successful, win-win partnership. The Joint Lab’s focus is research and technology transfer in eco-friendly plant protection technologies. Most of its work relates to integrated pest management (IPM) and invasive species management, which reinforces CABI’s core mission, focus and expertise.
Over the past 12 years, the Joint Lab has supported the establishment of over 180 Plantwise plant clinics in China, serving more than 240,000 farmers and advising them on crop losses and pesticides to improve ecological safety, food security and incomes. It has steadily expanded its network, establishing, for example, the European Lab in Switzerland and two more associate labs in China.
Prof Xueping Zhou, Director General of IPPCAAS and Co-Director of the Joint Lab, said,
“The Joint Lab is delivering social and ecological benefits to stakeholders … [It] has successfully developed and implemented research projects … in integrated pest management and invasive species, supporting south- south cooperation and technology transfer.”
Among many circles in China, the laboratory is already widely regarded as one of the top platforms of its type. Its long-term vision is to become a centre of excellence in green plant protection and agricultural technology transfer.
CABI has developed a number of core skills which will ensure it achieves its strategic goals.
CABI's strategic goals.
Climate change and biodiversity
Economic development
Food and nutrition security
Our work is delivered through dedicated teams and key partners in over 40 countries across the world.
Sustainable Development Goals

Helping small-scale farmers improve their livelihoods by providing knowledge about plant health and access to markets.

Developing a sustainable food system that helps smallholders meet the world's growing need for food.

Helping grow more from less land by introducing higher-yielding and environmentally responsible food production techniques.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
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