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CABI study leads to assessment of Kenya’s dairy and beef sectors and opportunities for US investment

Strengthening phytosanitary research programming and collaboration: from European to global phytosanitary research coordination

As a result of increased global trade and transport and climate change, the likelihood of pest introductions has grown. However, public resources and budgets to invest in research, including national phytosanitary research budgets, have typically declined. Combining resources to investigate challenges that countries share and develop solutions of mutual benefit can address some of the difficulties researchers and their funders face. In this project, CABI will be working as part of the European Phytosanitary Research Coordination (EUPHRESCO) network to help guide national, regional and global research funding. CABI will use its African knowledge and expertise to develop a regional phytosanitary research agenda for Africa.

EU-China joint action to increase the development and adoption of IPM tools

The persistent threat of invasive agricultural pests and their chronic re-emergence underlines the importance of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools and their implementation. Pest management typically relies largely on chemical pesticides, increasing the risks to humans and wildlife. Despite European Union and Chinese policies promoting the use of IPM, widespread adoption by farmers is limited. This project will utilize existing knowledge and techniques to adapt and optimize future IPM tools and practices. The project will further develop high-potential IPM tools and design cost-effective, environmentally safe IPM packages for economically important crops. Together with partners, CABI will lead the development of a web-based IPM tool performance demonstrator. CABI will also make valuable contributions to the development and efficacy of IPM tools against fall armyworm and develop a biocontrol agent for common ragweed.

Juno: Transforming Evidence for Agriculture, Food and Climate

To respond urgently in times of crises we need to be ready. Researchers need the know-how and tools to develop rapid evidence synthesis at short notice, and coordinated networks need to be able to translate, communicate, and share evidence at a moment’s notice so that policymakers can use that evidence. The Juno Evidence Alliance will be a cutting-edge global platform that empowers evidence-based policy in agriculture, food systems, and climate adaptation. By utilising artificial intelligence and proven research methodologies, the aim is to streamline the synthesis of diverse data sources, providing timely, relevant, and high-quality conclusions for governments, funders, and policymakers. With Juno, decision-makers can accelerate progress, reduce costs, coordinate messages, and shape a sustainable and resilient future for the benefit of all.

Project boosts Uganda’s horticultural trade

PlantwisePlus Knowledge Bank helps countries like Malawi prepare for crop health threats