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Intervention Options for Enhancing Smallholder Compliance with Regulatory and Market Standards for High-Value Fruits and Vegetables in Rwanda and Zambia

Developing beneficial nematode-based biocontrol solutions to fall armyworm in Africa

The fall armyworm is a major pest devastating more than 80 crops. However, it favours maize where it can cut yields by up to 90%. The pest has invaded Africa, Australia and Asia, and recently arrived in Europe. Existing pest management efforts against the maize pest include insecticides. But an overreliance on these has led to prolific increases in insecticide applications in maize cultivation in Africa, and detrimental health and environmental threats. The ineffective existing control method has highlighted the need for more effective, safer and more sustainable control practices. An expert team and CABI are developing practical, safe and effective techniques of entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents against armyworm caterpillars to help mitigate the impacts of fall armyworm on food security in Africa.

Sustainable management of fall armyworm in smallholder farming: the role of a multi-channel information campaign in Rwanda

In recent years, fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, has emerged as one…

Sustainable management of fall armyworm in smallholder farming: The role of a multi-channel information campaign in Rwanda

In recent years, fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, has emerged as one…

Using mass media campaigns to change pesticide use behaviour among smallholder farmers in East Africa

Pesticides are an important and widely used tool for crop protection,…

Guiding Acid Soil Management Investments in Africa

The effects of soil acidity on agricultural soils in Africa are a major constraint to crop production and sustainable intensification of the African smallholder farming system. To cope, the existing method is to apply blanket or spatially undifferentiated approaches including the use of lime. This project aims to devise interventions to rehabilitate soils in East Africa by understanding and communicating the differences in soil acidity and how to cost-effectively correct them. Based on data, recommendations will guide investments into appropriate and targeted approaches from the public and private sector, ensuring a maximum return on investment for farmers, governments and the private sector. In this project, CABI’s focus is on enhancing access to, and use of, data related to acid soil management including soil and agronomy data which would lead to evidence-based decisions for investments.