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CABI adopts ‘One Health’ approach to integrated crop-livestock advisory services in Uganda

Joint crop and livestock services for smallholder farmers

Crop and livestock health is crucial to agricultural productivity and farmer livelihoods. However, in low-income countries, smallholders are often left without sufficient support to deal with crop and animal problems due to existing agricultural extension services being understaffed and underfunded. CABI’s work in plant health and plant clinics over the last 15 years has revealed potential ‘One Health’ (OH) benefits of broadening the scope of plant clinics to better meet farmers’ need for advice. This project will develop integrated crop-livestock health advisory services that will enable male and female smallholder farmers in Uganda to address major health and production problems affecting crops, livestock, and food safety.

Including plant health in the ‘one health’ concept

Better together – identifying the benefits of a closer integration between plant health, agriculture and one health

Reaching for the low hanging fruits: One health benefits of joint crop–livestock services for small-scale farmers