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CABI showcases Horizon Scanning Tool and Invasive Species Compendium at COP16

Assessment of the use of CABI’s decision support tools for biosecurity – Pest Risk Analysis Tool and Horizon Scanning Tool

New upgraded invasive species Horizon Scanning Tool launched

This week CABI launched the full version of its invasive species Horizon Scanning Tool, a free and open access online resource available via the Invasive Species Compendium that helps users make decisions about invasive species and identify possible risks in countries, provinces and states.

CABI leads project to improve biosecurity in islands of the South Atlantic

CABI scientists will lead a two-year project to improve the biosecurity of a range of islands in the South Atlantic working closely with the UK Overseas Territories of St Helena and the Falkland Islands.

CABI launches invasive species Horizon Scanning Tool

CABI has announced the launch of its invasive species Horizon Scanning Tool (beta), a decision support aid to help users identify potential invasive species threats to a country, state or province. The tool is supported by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID).