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CABI collaborates with BARI to find biological ‘weapon’ to fight fall armyworm in Bangladesh

CABI scientists help discover new biological control for noxious parthenium weed in Pakistan

Uso do Manejo Integrado de Pragas e Controle Biológico pelos Agricultores na América Latina e no Caribe: Desafios e Oportunidades

CABI teams up with colleagues to pioneer the biological control of Japanese knotweed in the Netherlands

The value smallholders place on pollinators highlighted in ecological intensification study

CABI has led new research which reveals that more than half (57 percent) of smallholder farmers in two Kenyan counties have knowledge of pollination and consciously act to maintain bees, birds and butterflies while fighting pests and diseases including the Fall armyworm and coffee berry disease.

CABI research helps ‘harvest’ the prospect of more sustainable tea production in India

CABI scientists have revealed that India’s tea – which accounts for around 27 percent of the world’s tea production – could be protected from devastating crop pests with more environmentally friendly and sustainable biological controls rather than an over reliance on pesticides.