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Sabyan Faris Honey
Deputy Director Business Development
Opposite 1-A, Data Gunj Baksh Road, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
BSc (Hons) Agriculture Entomology; MSc (Hons) Agricultural Entomology; PhD Entomology; PRINCE II Foundation
I have more than 10 years of research and developmental experience and have contributed 21 scientific publications in the field of agriculture. My recent experiences include working with the government at the federal and provincial level, the US Department of Agriculture, USAID and key agriculture associations in Pakistan.
I have been trained in project management and implementation through the ‘CABI Future Leader Program’ and ‘Strategic Account Management.”
In recent years, I have been involved in the management and delivery of projects related to biological control for pests of commercial interests, food safety, sanitary and phytosanitary system (SPS) compliance, post-harvest handling and supply chain development for the provision of safe and healthy food.
My current portfolio allows me to develop partnerships with departments, organizations and funding agencies. As a professional, I have taken up a challenge to promote sustainable farming in the agriculture sector with the conservation of natural ecosystems through biocontrol techniques and safer use of plant protection products which will hope to improve food access, sustainable income and social benefits for the agro-food chain.
CABI centre: Pakistan
CABI’s centre in Pakistan coordinates our activities in Central and Western Asia. Small-scale farming here is widespread, employing a large percentage of the population in many areas. Agriculture contributes heavily towards the region’s economy and its development.
Related projects
Strengthening phytosanitary research programming and collaboration: from European to global phytosanitary research coordination
As a result of increased global trade and transport and climate change, the likelihood of pest introductions has grown. However, public resources and budgets to invest in research, including national phytosanitary research budgets, have typically declined. Combining resources to investigate challenges that countries share and develop solutions of mutual benefit can address some of the difficulties researchers and their funders face. In this project, CABI will be working as part of the European Phytosanitary Research Coordination (EUPHRESCO) network to help guide national, regional and global research funding. CABI will use its African knowledge and expertise to develop a regional phytosanitary research agenda for Africa.
Start: 01/01/24 -End: 31/12/26