Report on Zika virus scoops SciDev.Net journalist top national award
Journalist Claudia Mazzeo has been honoured by the Argentinean Society of Medical Journalism, member of the Medical Association of Argentina, for her article published by SciDev.Net about the threat of Zika virus in Latin America.
CABI joins effort to sequence genomes of every known species of plant, animal, fungi and protozoa in the British Isles
CABI is helping to ‘unlock’ the mysteries of natural life itself by taking part in the Darwin Tree of Life Project (DToL) which aims to sequence the genetic codes of 60,000 species that live across the British Isles. The work forms part of a worldwide effort – through the global Earth BioGenome Project (EBP) – to sequence the genomes of all 1.5 million known species of plants, animals, fungi and protozoa on Earth.