Azolla is one of the UK’s most invasive water plants. CABI’s work on Azolla control - researching and testing a biocontrol agent to control the weed naturally in the UK - has led to a programme that rears and supplies weevils to customers affected by Azolla.
Here you can find out about Azolla, current control methods and how to purchase weevils.
How to purchase weevils
To order packs of weevils or to discuss control options for Azolla infestations, please contact us.
Weevils are available in standard, medium and large packs.
Standard weevil pack (sufficient to control approximately 10 square metres) - £100 each (plus VAT)
Medium weevil pack (sufficient to control approximately 50 square metres) - £280 each (plus VAT)
Large weevil pack (sufficient to control approximately 100 square metres) - £405 each (plus VAT)
For postage costs and queries about controlling larger areas, please contact us.
About Azolla
What is Azolla?
The fairy fern or floating water fern (Azolla filiculoides) is an aquatic plant with fern-like foliage that originates in the Americas. It was first recorded in the UK in the 19th century and became naturalized. It is now a popular garden aquatic.
Why is it a problem?
Azolla filiculoides has a remarkable ability to multiply. Fronds grow rapidly and elongate until fragments break off to form new plants. Mats that form on the water's surface can be 30cm thick and can double in size in hot weather.
The mats block out light, kill rich and diverse aquatic flora and reduce available oxygen which can lead to the death of fish and invertebrates, impede flood defences and water-based recreation and block irrigation pumps.
Azolla has escaped from gardens into the wider environment, becoming a problem on ponds, lakes, rivers and canals throughout the UK. Azolla was one of five aquatic weeds banned from sale in the UK in 2014.
Azolla control methods
Mechanical and chemical control
Fragmentation of the fronds makes mechanical control virtually impossible. This is worsened by the annual production of millions of tiny spores which are released in autumn and grow into new plants the following year.
There is one herbicide that is licensed for use on water in the UK but environmentally-friendly alternatives are preferred.
Biological control
Biological control has been used effectively against invasive species for over 100 years. It is a natural way of controlling invasives using living organisms, such as insects or pathogens.
For Azolla, research has shown the tiny 2mm long North American weevil (Stenopelmus rufinasus) to be one of the weed's main natural enemies. In South Africa, it has proven to be an outstanding example of biocontrol, providing ongoing weed control.
Why are weevils the best solution for controlling Azolla in the UK?
The weevil can only feed on Azolla, it will not harm other plants. When 'en masse,' the weevils consume large quantities of the weed and they can be targeted at very specific sites where the weed is considered a problem.
Following extensive research, CABI studies have shown that Azolla infestations can be brought under complete control using only the weevil in a matter of weeks and without the need for chemicals or further control measures.
The weevil is mass-reared in the UK and shipped throughout the summer months to customers affected by Azolla.
Key contact
Corin leads the Azolla control project. He mass-rears the weevil, Stenopelmus rufinasus, and conducts ongoing research to improve our understanding of the weevil and its effectiveness as the natural control agent against Azolla in the UK.

Corin Pratt
Invasive Species Management Researcher
T: +44 (0)1491 829083 E:
Frequently asked questions
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Azolla control
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