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Fall armyworm invasion in Sub-Saharan Africa and impacts on community sustainability in the wake of Coronavirus Disease 2019: reviewing the evidence

Drawing on a synthesis of the recent empirical literature, we…

Strategy for Managing Invasive Species in Africa 2021-2030

Delivering a pest risk information service to sub-Saharan Africa

CABI and Book Aid International bring scientific publications to students in sub Saharan Africa

Institutionalizing the quality of commercial products

The soil in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa is hampering the production of good quality and plentiful crops. Many new bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and other agro-inputs have been developed and commercialized but often haven’t been properly assessed. CABI, working with partners, is supporting increased knowledge and information available to smallholder farmers and decision makers on commercial bio fertilizers and bio pesticides in order to support uptake and use and support regulatory mechanisms.