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CABI collaborates to improve resistance of Kenya’s cabbage and kale crops to TuMV disease

A team of international scientists from the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (Kenya), NIAB EMR (UK), University of Warwick (UK), CABI (Kenya) and Syngenta (Netherlands) are seeking to improve the resistance of Kenya’s cabbage and kale crops to TuMV.

Partnership explores the ecological intensification of smallholder farms in Kenya

CABI is working in partnership to explore the prospect of smallholder farmers in Kenya achieving greater yields through ecological intensification (EI), thereby helping to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals ‘Zero Poverty’ and ‘Zero Hunger’.

Fighting the scourge of scale insects affecting livelihoods and food security in Kenya

CABI is working in partnership, as part of a Darwin Initiative-funded project, to help secure livelihoods and the food security of smallholder farmers and their families in Kenya blighted by scale insects such as coffee mealybug and cassava mealybug.

Extension campaigns launched help fight Fall armyworm in Kenya and Uganda

Since 2017, CABI and partners have launched a series of extension campaigns in Kenya and Uganda in the fight against the invasive pest fall armyworm. These campaigns used integrated ICT-enabled approaches combining radio, SMS, and community video screenings with the aim of improving awareness, knowledge and management practices for fall armyworm.

Plantwise successes revealed in Impact Story Competition

Kenyan farmers reap the benefits thanks to Plantwise plant clinics

CABI’s global Plantwise programme has a major impact helping farmers in Kenya grow more and lose less to crop pests and diseases, according to a new impact report published.