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Biodiversity event celebrates 75 years of partnership between CABI and Canada for biological control research

First mite to lead biological fight against Russian olive approved for use in Canada

Study shows life table of crop-devastating diamondback moth has changed little in 65 years

CABI Americas and Caribbean consultation focuses on the impact of invasive species on food security and trade

Some 60 delegates, including representatives from 12 CABI member countries, gathered in Ottawa, Canada for CABI’s Americas and Caribbean regional consultation meeting, where emerging issues around invasive species and food security were discussed.

Hope for biological control of houndstongue in the USA?

An invasive weed with close relatives among native species is a challenge for biological control. Houndstongue was introduced accidentally to North America from Eurasia in the mid-19th century. It has since invaded most Canadian provinces and adjacent US states. There are many native plants in the USA in the same family as houndstongue. CABI staff in Switzerland are investigating specialized natural enemies in the area of origin of the weed that could be introduced as biological control agents.

Controlling swallow-worts the sustainable way

Swallow-worts (Vincetoxicum nigrum and V. rossicum) are Eurasian plants that have become invasive in North America. The overall goal of the project is to identify specific natural enemies that can be introduced to North America as biological control agents for swallow-worts.