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Have actions taken to control fall armyworm reduced the economic cost experienced in Ghana?

Impact of Plant Clinics on Disease and Pest Management, Tomato Productivity and Profitability In Malawi

Climate Change and Invasive Alien Species

Safeguarding the environment, food security and livelihoods from invasive species using biological controls

CABI calls for urgent action to tackle the global spread of invasive species

In response to the growing threat of invasive species, CABI has called for urgent action to tackle the global spread of invasive species, even as the recent fall armyworm outbreak casts doubts over Africa and Asia’s preparedness to fight the scourge.

Global fight against invasive species tops agenda at CABI’s 398th Executive Council Meeting

The fight against a myriad of invasive species, which costs the global economy around US$1.4 trillion each year, was top of the agenda at CABI’s 398th Executive Council meeting held yesterday (7 February 2018) at the Hallam Conference Centre in London.