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Invasive species management: Integrating a gender perspective

Published: September, 2020


Bethel Terefe, Frances Williams, Julien Lamontagne-Godwin

This publication is a brief overview of how gender affects the management and control of invasive species, and how CABI is working to address this through its projects and implementation now and in the future.

Invasive species management Integrating a gender perspective

Invasive species management: Integrating a gender perspective


Type Briefing

Language English

Year 2020

Related projects

Action on Invasives

The global cost of invasive species is estimated at US$1.4 trillion per year – close to 5% of global gross domestic product. Invasives disproportionately affect vulnerable communities in poor rural areas, especially in developing countries which depend on natural resources, healthy ecosystems, trade and tourism for their livelihoods.

Start: 02/01/18 -End: 31/03/21