Evaluation of Plantwise and Action on Invasives; synthesis report
Published: September, 2020
External publication
This report presents the findings of a formative evaluation of the Plantwise and Action on Invasives programmes on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Plantwise is a multi-country and multi-donor programme (launched in 2011) that aims to strengthen national plant health systems through improved stakeholder linkages in developing countries. The Action on Invasives programme (launched in 2017) aims to strengthen national and regional resilience to the threat of invasive organisms. The ultimate goal of both programmes is to increase agricultural production and farmer incomes as they lose less crop yields to pests and diseases and produce more.
The evaluation looks at the performance (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, program management and risks and potentials), the innovativeness, the benefits and good practices of the two programmes. In addition, recommendations have been made – in light of the Dutch Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation policy – for the next phase, called Plantwise+.
Evaluation of Plantwise and Action on Invasives; synthesis report
Type External publication
Language English
Year 2020
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