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Harrison Rware
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer, Africa
Canary Bird, 673 Limuru Road, Muthaiga, PO Box 633-00621, Nairobi, Kenya
BSc in Range Ecology; MSc in Range Ecology; Certified Monitoring and Evaluation Practitioner; Certified Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Expert
I joined CABI in 2014 as a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist under the Optimizing Fertilizer Recommendations for Africa (OFRA) project.
I am now a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in Africa where my role intersects various projects in CABI Africa. I work with Project Managers and project teams to develop methods and tools for monitoring key indicators itemized in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to ensure that project KPIs are aligned with the CABI-wide KPIs.
Within my role, I ensure that monitoring and evaluation plans embed broader concepts, accommodate evaluation research objectives and are closely integrated with the regional Project Implementation Plans and research strategies. In order to report progress against work plans, milestones, and to national collaborators and donors, I ensure country-level monitoring and reporting procedures are operating efficiently and effectively, with information compiled quarterly.
I am involved in developing appropriate methodologies, including outcome indicators, for monitoring and evaluation studies and lead backstop studies while supporting the implementation of baseline surveys and capacity-building activities.
I work closely with regional project teams and sub-grantees to ensure gender perspectives are mainstreamed in country activities. I also document experiences which are then shared to ensure lessons learned are used to improve effectiveness and sustainable plant health systems.
To promote CABI’s project and programme work within the region and globally, I contribute to writing publications, reports, articles and scientific papers.
I support other teams within CABI with designing data collection tools developed by CABI. Furthermore, I contribute towards new project development and the upscaling of projects for CABI in Africa.
CABI centre: Kenya
CABI has a regional centre for Africa in Nairobi. Agriculture is essential for sub-Saharan Africa’s economic growth and yet average crop yields in Africa are among the lowest in the world. Over 80% rely on it but many face challenges in growing sufficient good quality produce.
Related projects
Farmers’ crops are increasingly at the mercy of climate change, pests and diseases. PlantwisePlus will work to help countries predict, prepare for and prevent potential threats and reduce crop losses. We will provide comprehensive support to countries and farmers so they meet the increasing global demand for quality food in a changing climate.
Start: 01/07/21