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Habat Ullah Asad
Project Manager, BCI
CABI, Opposite 1-A, Data Gunj Baksh Road, Satellite Town, PO Box 8, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
PhD in Tropical Agricultural Sciences; MSc (Hons) Agriculture (Post-harvest horticulture)
I joined CABI in 2018 as a value chain specialist on the ‘Strengthening vegetable value chains in Pakistan (SVVCP)’ project. My key responsibilities in the SVVCP project included planning and implementing value chain activities to develop vegetable value chains in target villages, whole family approach and participatory action research. I am also involved in the Better Cotton Project as Region Coordinator. In addition, I have been trained as a production and postharvest horticulturist and fruit breeder.
I am currently the focal person for the Value Chains and Trade theme at CABI’s centre in Pakistan. Here, I support the Senior Regional Director and Global Director for Value Chains and Trade in delivering the theme, as per CABI’s Member Country engagement strategy and CABI’s Medium Term Strategy. I also secure project funding and support the development of new projects and programmes in response to national and international donor requests, as well as responding to private partner requirements.
I have a PhD degree in tropical agricultural sciences from James Cook University, Cairns, Australia and an MSc degree in horticulture from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Previously, I have been involved in multiple national and international projects in Pakistan and Australia. My areas of interest include value chain development, production and postharvest horticulture.
CABI centre: Pakistan
CABI’s centre in Pakistan coordinates our activities in Central and Western Asia. Small-scale farming here is widespread, employing a large percentage of the population in many areas. Agriculture contributes heavily towards the region’s economy and its development.
Related projects
Building the policy ecosystem for organic production in Balochistan, Pakistan
Sectoral approaches to land management (increasing production, for instance) are no longer viable to meet global challenges such as poverty alleviation, biodiversity conservation and food production due to mounting pressures from population increases and climate change. Organic production, however, is a more profitable, sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to agriculture that alleviates problems. This project will focus on integrated landscape approaches and will use CABI’s strong in-country partnerships to integrate agricultural policy change, strengthen market linkages and ultimately enable business model change for organic produce production in the Balochistan province of Pakistan.
Start: 02/08/21 -End: 31/07/24