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Dr Ismahane Elouafi welcomed to new post on CABI Board

Dr Ismahane Elouafi -ranked by Muslim Science as among the 20 Most Influential Women in Science in the Islamic World – has been welcomed as a non-executive director on the CABI Board.

Stronger value chains and trade links high on agenda at CABI’s Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation

A focus on building capacity for stronger value chains and trade links, as part of the overall mission to improve global food security, was high on the agenda at CABI’s Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation held in Beijing, China.

CABI to appoint former CEO of Taylor & Francis Group as Chair of the Board

Roger Horton, former CEO of the Taylor & Francis Group – one of the world’s largest academic publishers, is to be appointed as the new Chair of the Board at CABI at its meeting in June 2018.