Collating and publishing datasheets on impactful invasive species
Invasive species are of significant concern to ecosystems. They are a key driver of global biodiversity loss and species extinctions. Together with climate change, invasive species are causing irreversible damage. Without any mitigation, the spread of invasives will continue and the persistent damaging effects will increase and remain. Having current and comprehensive data on the most harmful and impactful invasive species is necessary for predicting and preventing damage. This project will collate data and information on 72 invasive species threatening species on the Endangered Species Act and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Invasive plant pathogens threatening the USA
Invasive plant pathogens represent a threat to US agriculture, forestry and the environment. Accurate information on these pathogens is required to help prevent their introduction and spread. The Plant Pathogens Subcommittee of the US Federal Interagency Committee on Invasive Terrestrial Animals and Pathogens (ITAP) has identified the worst plant pathogen threats to the USA. CABI is commissioning the compilation of data on these plant pathogens to be published as full datasheets in the Invasive Species Compendium [] (an open access global resource currently containing over 10,000 datasheets).
New Fall Armyworm Portal features as part of CABI’s upgraded Invasive Species Compendium
A new Fall Armyworm Portal, which includes the very latest reports and research regarding the devastating crop pest, now features as part of a major upgrade of CABI’s Invasive Species Compendium (ISC) launched today.