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CABI calls for greater investment in food security programmes to help stem global rise in hunger

CABI is today calling for greater investment in food security programmes to help stem the global rise in hunger following the publication of a UN report which says more than 820 million people worldwide are still going to bed hungry.

CABI announces major commitments in fight against invasive species

Coinciding with its regional consultation with member states in Africa, CABI hosted a policy summit on invasive species in Gaborone, Botswana.

Strong, inclusive and empowering partnerships vital to tackling the world’s food crisis

Dr Dennis Rangi, CABI’s Director General, Development, has told CABI’s African Regional Consultation in Botswana that strong, inclusive and empowering partnerships are key to tackling not only Africa’s but the world’s food crisis where some 815 million suffer chronic undernourishment.

World Food Day: ‘Feeding our Appetite for Food Security’

On this World Food Day 2018 the issue of feeding the world has never been in sharper focus. By 2050, agriculture will need to produce almost 50 percent more food, feed and biofuel than it did in 2012 just to meet demand.

CABI signs LoA with African Union Commission

CABI has pledged its commitment to work in partnership with the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) of the African Union Commission (AUC) as part of a Letter of Agreement (LoA) to share its scientific expertise in solving problems in agriculture and the environment.