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Robert Malek

Use of the CABI BioProtection Portal increases awareness of safer plant protection products among farmers and agricultural advisers in Kenya

CABI BioProtection Portal now available in Spain

Piloting biopesticide use to manage fall armyworm in South Sudan

Crop protection in Africa relies heavily on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides. They are perceived to be more effective than other methods but human health concerns and the resistance to them in pest populations is shifting the tide towards lower risk pest management methodologies. Biopesticides are considered a suitable alternative in fall armyworm (FAW) management as they are typically more specific than most synthetic pesticides and are a lower risk to health and the environment. However, those commercial biopesticide products that are available, from the Americas and Europe, to use against FAW in Africa are not available due to inadequate knowledge on their efficacy.

New tool promotes safer products to fight the world’s crop pests

BioProtection Portal

The CABI BioProtection Portal is the go-to resource for biocontrol and biopesticide products. Find non-toxic, nature-based products for home or commercial use available around the globe. Search for your specific crop or pest problem in your country and find tailored product recommendations.