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Gender-Inclusive Strategies for Improving Agricultural Productivity

This course has been designed to provide learners with the knowledge and practical tools to support their skills in delivering gender-inclusive agricultural advisory services. 

A woman coffee farmer

Cost: FREE
Time: 4-6 hours

What you will learn about: 

• Basic gender concepts and the relationship between gender and agriculture 

• Practical tools that will help you to analyse gender-related issues in your own community and identify what support is needed to address inequalities 

• Prioritising farmer needs, using inclusive approaches and extension delivery services to overcome gender-related barriers, and engaging with leaders to grow your influence beyond your community 

Who the course is for: This course is designed for people who work in agro-services and give advice to farmers, such as extension workers and agro-input dealers. Farmers may also find it useful. Agricultural students may find it beneficial to their studies. 


• Accessible: Access the materials online or download via our platform’s mobile app for use offline

• Flexible: Use the materials for step-by-step self-study or for “dipping in” to support a specific teaching or learning need

• Certification: Successful completion of a certification assessment brings a CABI Academy certificate


Students can gain CABI Academy certificates in one level.

• Foundation: For those new to the subject area and working under supervision

Our Courses


Discover online training courses and certifications that build capacity and strengthen the advice available to farmers.



Getting started on the CABI Academy

•  Create a CABI Academy account

• Login to your account

• Navigate directly to the Entrepreneurship in Agribusiness course. You will be able to access all the modules.

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