You are here: Home / Small Animal Neuroanatomic Lesion Localization Practice Book

About the book

Neuroanatomic lesion localization is one of the main areas that veterinary students, interns, residents and practitioners struggle when faced with a neurologic patient. It is a common focus for questions on the North American Veterinary License Exam (NAVLE) as well as the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) general board examination for residents in Oncology, Internal Medicine, Neurology and Cardiology.

This text is supported by supplementary video content.

Video 4.1: 11 year old male castrated Domestic short haired cat. Gait assessment video showing circling left, with ambulatory tetraparesis and body turn left. Video used with permission from Dr. Helena Rylander.

Video 4.2: 9 month old Bengal cat demonstrating a generalized course tremor consistent with an intention tremor. Video used with permission from Dr. Simon Platt. 

Video 6.1: Video of case 1 showing a nonambulatory tetraparesis with minimal motor in the pelvic limbs and moderate motor function in thoracic limbs. Lateralization was not present. Used with permission from Dr. Kari Foss

Video 6.2: Video of case 2 showing ambulatory tetraparesis with short-srided gait in all four limbs. Used with permission from Dr. Kari Foss.  

Video 6.3: Needle electromyography (EMG) form case 2. Findings include marked spontaneous activity including positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials. Findings were noted in pelvic and thoracic limbs, along epaxial muscles and the muscles of mastication. Video used with permission from Dr. Kari Foss.  

Video 6.4: Video of case 5 showing poorly ambulatory tetraparesis with exercise induced collapse.  

Video 6.5: Video of case 5 after administration of edrophonium IV. The dog is able to more readily stand and walk unassisted before eventually collapsing in the pelvic limbs.

Video 6.6: Gait evaluation of case 7 showing a short-stride with stiff movement in all four limbs. Video used with permission from Dr. Sam Long.  

Video 6.7: Needle electromyography (EMG) of case 7 showed multiple areas of complex repetitive discharges and myotonic discharges. Video used with permission from Dr. Sam Long.  

Video 6.8: Video assessment of case 8 showing non-ambulatory tetraparesis. With support, she was able to walk several steps before sitting down. Video used with permission from Dr. Sam Long.

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