Strengthening the system for invasive species preparedness and management: Bangladesh
Published: August, 2024
Working paper
The objective of this study is to assess the status and responsiveness of the invasive species preparedness and management system in Bangladesh.
More specifically, it aims to evaluate the capacity of the national system for invasive species preparedness and management, provide insights on how the system responded to the most recent fall armyworm (FAW) infestation and identify opportunities for strengthening the system. Building upon a framework and methodology piloted by CABI experts in Kenya in 2021, this assessment utilised stakeholder engagement workshops, which involved stakeholders across 17 institutions and demonstrated that, despite strong performance by national government institutions, the overall system does not sufficiently prevent, detect and control invasive species and executes inadequately the functions of risk analysis, quarantine, surveillance and diagnostic services.
Based on stakeholder consensus and pre-existing plans, a National Action Plan was produced by stakeholders to create a road map for strengthening the system for invasive species preparedness and management in the country. Altogether, this study offers a holistic assessment of the invasive species preparedness and management system in Bangladesh and allows stakeholders to outline steps towards increasing the capacity and responsiveness of the system.
Strengthening the system for invasive species preparedness and management: Bangladesh
Type Working paper
Language English
Year 2024
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