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Strengthening AIRCA Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Published: August, 2018

Working paper

Aryo Feldman, Bedaso Taye, Boru Douthwaite, Diletta Ciolina, Farid Ahmad, Frances Williams, Ghulam-Muhammad Shah, Jalan Ishrat, Lalu Maya Kadel, Latha Nagarajan, Menale Kassie, Pepjin Schreinemachers, Prabesh Devkota, Tariq Ahmad

This paper was written collectively by monitoring and evaluation (M&E) specialists of the Association of International Research Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) for the purpose of strengthening the M&E systems of individual centres within AIRCA. The paper grew out of the AIRCA M&E workshop in March 2017 and the subsequent use of a selfassessment tool. The tool enabled the authors to benchmark and characterize their respective centres’ M&E systems and identify ways to improve them. The paper identifies experiences and practices to learn from across centres and concludes with 10 key lessons for M&E systems. The process of writing this paper collectively has strengthened the AIRCA community of practice on M&E within AIRCA to which the authors belong.

Strengthening AIRCA Monitoring and Evaluation Systems

Type Working paper

Published in ICIMOD Working Paper 2018/8, Kathmandu: ICIMOD

Language English

Year 2018