Profiling of Plant Clinic Users
Published: July, 2018
Study brief
It is estimated that 26% to 40% of the world’s potential crop production is lost each year because of weeds, pests and diseases (OECD-FAO, 2012). Unfortunately, the limited use of crop protection practices, coupled with the changing climate (risk of new pest introductions) and increasing trade in a globalized world (risk of pests moving across borders and regions) are likely to exacerbate this situation.
The CABI-led Plantwise programme is contributing to global efforts to mitigate losses from crop health problems and improve rural livelihoods by helping farmers in over 30 countries to lose less of their crops. A key component of the Plantwise programme is the establishment of plant clinics, which are meeting places (mostly operating regularly near local markets) where farmers who are struggling with plant pests and diseases can send samples of their ‘sick’ crops for diagnosis and plant health advice.
Based on the need to understand the types of farmers plant clinics are currently reaching, this study was conducted with the objective of profiling plant clinic users. Profiling the plant clinic users can be helpful in when setting out to prioritise and target farmers with certain characteristics that align with the objectives of Plantwise.
Profiling of Plant Clinic Users
Type Study brief
Published in CABI Study Brief 26: Impact
Language English
Year 2018