Plantwise: improving food security through better Plant Health System
Published: January, 2019
Book chapter
This publication, entitled “Precision Phytopathology: Frontiers of Science”, includes texts related to some lectures delivered during the 48th Brazilian Meeting on Phytopathology (which had as central theme “Precision Phytopathology: Frontiers of Science”) and II Brazilian Meeting on Postharvest Pathology, which were held on August 10th-14th, 2015, in Sao Pedro – SP, Brazil. Such important events were a joint action of the School of Agriculture/UNESP; “Luiz de Querioz” College of Agriculture (ESALQ/USP); Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCAR), Lagoa do Sino Campus; Biological Institute (CEIB-IB-APTA), and Agronomic Institute (IAC-APTA). The chapters are based on the lectures delivered in the Round Tables and on the Discussion Groups in he 48th Brazilian Meeting on Phytopathology and II Brazilian Meeting on Postharvest Pathology.
Plantwise: improving food security through better Plant Health System
Type Book chapter
Published in Precision Phytopathology: Frontiers of Science. Published by Fundao de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais e Florestais (FEPAF), Brazil, 187–211
Language English
Year 2019
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Start: 01/01/11