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Mobile services: bridging the agricultural knowledge gap

Published: July, 2018

Study brief

Charlotte Day

One in three people in the developing world suffer from ‘hidden hunger’, or micronutrient deficiency, due to a lack of information on proper nutrition. This is a major cause of illness, poor growth, reduced productivity and impaired cognitive development.

To help combat the problem, CABI and its partners developed content for multiple mobile-phone based messaging services during a three year mNutrition initiative, which aimed to increase knowledge of nutrition, health and agriculture in 12 countries across Africa and Asia.

As lessons were learnt about content management processes, content was also delivered to millions of farmers through Mobile Network Operator (MNO)-led, content driven services, delivering agriculture or health information. This case study presents lessons from all 12 countries and results of an impact assessment carried out by GSMA for six agriculture Value Added Services (VAS).

Mobile services: bridging the agricultural knowledge gap


Type Study brief

Published in CABI Study Brief 25: Impact

Language English

Year 2018