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Is radio an effective method for delivering actionable information for responding to emerging pest threats? A case study of fall armyworm campaign in Zambia

Published: August, 2021

Journal article

Harrison Rware, Monica Kansiime, Idah Mugambi, David Onyango, Justice Tambo, Catherine Mloza Banda, Noah Phiri, Gilson Chipabika, Mathews Matimelo, Dorcas Kabuya Chaaba, Tamsin Davis, Julien Godwin

The Fall Army Worm (FAW) radio campaign was implemented between November 2018 and April 2019 in key maize growing areas and locations with reported high severity of fall armyworm as identified by national stakeholders. We evaluated the effectiveness of radio mass extension campaign in achieving scale, and effect on farmers’ knowledge and uptake of management practices for fall armyworm (FAW). We also assessed the factors determining farmers’ participation in radio campaign, to inform future and similar campaigns.

Is radio an effective method for delivering actionable information for responding to emerging pest threats? A case study of fall armyworm campaign in Zambia


Type Journal article

Published in CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2(32)

Language English

Year 2021