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External Evaluation of Plantwise SDC contribution

Published: September, 2013

External publication

Beno Graf, Urs Scheidegger

Plantwise was officially launched as a program in 2010, building on previous pilot activities with plant clinics in a few countries. It is presently supported by 8 donors, among them the Swiss agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). An external evaluation was conducted by two consultants in August 2013, mandated by CABI and SDC. They travelled to Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda to talk to Plantwise national stakeholders and visit plant clinics. The evaluation found that in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda Plantwise is a highly relevant, effective, efficient and well managed program, which substantially contributes to more sustainable crop protection at farm level on the one hand and to a more efficient national plant health system on the other.

External Evaluation of Plantwise SDC contribution

Type External publication

Published in SDC report

Language English

Year 2013

Related projects


Worldwide, over 500 million smallholder farmers provide food for two-thirds of the earth’s growing population. Achieving a zero hunger world by 2030 depends on increasing the productivity of these smallholder farmers – but their crops face a significant threat. Yearly, an estimated 40% of crops grown worldwide are lost to pests. If we could reduce crop losses by just 1%, we could potentially feed millions more people. The lack of access to timely, appropriate and actionable extension advice makes it a fundamental challenge for farmers to get the right information at the right time to reduce crop losses.

Start: 01/01/11