Environmental degradation and climate change threaten food and nutrition security, and foods systems more broadly. These issues are inherently multi-scale, in terms of both drivers and solutions. iSPARK will build on a range of previous and ongoing research collaborations and partnerships in integrating work from across CGIAR Initiatives, to tailor evidence towards supporting appropriate and contextualised advisory services, policy pathways and investment in equity-sensitive sustainable and climate smart innovation in western Kenya.
ISPARK will create and use evidence to support the changes needed for sustainable, climate-resilient nutrition security in Kenya. The project will bring together farm-level interventions with the evidence-based policy pathways and investments that are needed to trigger systems transformation at scale. Models, metrics, satellite data and machine learning have huge potential to enable greater resilience of food production in Kenya and beyond.
The problem

UK science and CGIAR
UK scientific institution
University of Leeds
CGIAR partners
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (ABC)
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Local partner
Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO)
Where the research teams will work
The teams will work across multiple scales in Kenya, synergizing with ongoing work in western Kenya.